Monday, September 30, 2013

Week 3! It's a Roller Coaster

This week has been a week of miracles and set backs! Isn't that what missionary work is? It's a roller coaster it seems.
Monday we had a good lesson with a family about the enabling power of the Atonement. We know that this will really help the mom with the trials she is struggling with! She committed to study more about the Atonement! I know this will be a blessing in her life.
Tuesday was President's interviews. Amazing. I felt the Spirit so strongly. It was a source of spiritual strength and an uplifting time that was needed. Sister Anderson and I also received a lot of revelation for our area as well. I saw Sister Coleman again! It's nice to see her! I was able to tell her about the email she sent to my mom this past week. In my interview with President Castro, he said that as I work hard here, I will be able to keep up with the language, and when I do get to Brazil, it will be as if I've been there for a while already. 
Sister Anderson and I didn't have any letters that night, so we decided to make a feast for dinner. She made french toast with her non-hormone eggs, I made scambled eggs with hormones, cheese, and mushrooms. It was good. I love her. I feel like I've known her forever, and then I realized it's only been 3 weeks. Here are some quotes from the night:
-On a scale of 1 to eating a jar of Nutella, how depressed are you?
-Who came up with French Toast? Well, possible the french...
Wednesday we met with our investigator Lee who has a baptismal date of October 19. We sat down with her and made goals. We then broke her goals down into what she was going to do, what Sister Anderson and I were going to do to help her, and then help she needs from the Lord to complete these goals as well. We invited her to pray about these goals and ask Heavenly Father for the help that she needs. Through addressing her concerns, it became evident to me just how incredible it is how Heavenly Father has prepared me in the past for these investigators! As I talked with Lee, some of my own experiences came to mind and I was able to share these with her.
Days we don't have the car are interesting. The couple we ate dinner with offered us a ride to the church, but Sister Anderson refused. We walked like 2 miles. Quickly, with full stomachs and full bladders. I told her next time, we take the ride and walk up and down the street once to get some street contacting in :)
Thursday we had a lesson with Carl who seems to be an eternal investigator. I was impressed to share in James 2 that faith without works is dead. We were hoping that this would be the push he needs to take steps and progress, but we are not sure that it worked. We are planning on a commit or drop lesson this week. Later that day, we met Killian! He is a student at Cal Poly, so we referred him to the Elders in the Single's ward, but he seems elect. It was a blessing. We also had a short visit with Lee where we shared Matthew 5: Let your light shine. It really helped her to remember the goals that she set.
Friday morning, I was sick. It really set us back in numbers this week, but that's okay! I got rest and felt a lot better the next day. Later, we met a potential investigator, Ryan, who we have a return appointment with this Friday. We also met with Lee. who had had a really rough day and had unfortunately watched a show on TV that was not so nice about the church. We addressed her concerns and then left.
Saturday Sister Anderson was sick in the morning. We have both recovered and are doing much better. Lee cancelled our plans to attend the Relief Society broadcast together. This was really disappointing. Sister Anderson and I attended the broadcast and had many of our concerns and disappointments lightened as we listened to the words of the conference. It's incredible the revelation you receive not only for yourself, but also the area and your investigators as you invite the Spirit into your life. We felt much better after the conference and have some new direction to work on this week. I also got 4 letters each on Friday and Saturday which were the hardest days of the week. I know Heavenly Father is watching out for me, and so are you all. Letters mean so much and get me through the hard days, thank you so much!
Yesterday we visited briefly with Lee. She was dealing with a lot of medical pain, but we left her with a quick message. We are not sure where she stands at this point with being baptized on the 19th. We will follow up today.
Missionary work is hard, but I know that it is worth it! I know that miracles are coming! I love San Luis Obispo and am striving to increase that love for everyone here. I love Sister Anderson more than I can say! I feel like I've known her forever, and then I remember it's only been 3 weeks. 
The Relief Society Broadcast was so good! I am so excited for the rest of conference! I know it is such a blessing in our lives! Watch it! It's on on Saturday and Sunday. Prophets and Apostles of God are speaking. How incredible is that?

I love each of you. I know Heavenly Father loves you! He knows you perfectly and loves you unceasingly. Find one way you can follow Him and His Son a little better this week :)

Sister Maryann Shipp

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